Your search for "" has 2935 results.
Susan F. Martin
Susan F. Martin has been Curator of Conifers at the U.S. National Arboretum, in Washington D.C. since 1979.
Ellen Zachos
Ellen Zachos is a Harvard graduate and received her Certificate in Horticulture from the New York Botanical Garden. She specializes in tropical plants and has restored several greenhouses in the New York City area, which she now maintains for her clients. Her company, Acme Plant Stuff, installs and maintains commercial…
Andrew Bunting
Andrew Bunting is the curator of the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, and the owner of Fine Garden Creations, a garden design and installation business. Each year he teaches a six-week course on ornamental vines at Longwood Gardens, in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
Judith Jones
Judith Jones is a self-taught fern specialist. Her nursery, Fancy Fronds, in Seattle, has introduced six new ferns to the American nursery trade. She has lectured throughout North America and England and her nursery’s displays of hardy ferns have won four gold medals at flower shows in the Northwest. She…
Nancy Swell
Nancy Swell grows and propagates a wide variety of hardy ferns in her garden in Richmond, Virginia. She is an active member of The American Fern Society, The British Pteridological Society and The Hardy Fern Foundation and is a self-proclaimed fern fernatic.
Herb Garden
The Herb Garden serves as a vibrant living classroom where the community can learn practical urban food gardening techniques and tips for making sustainable food choices. The garden is designed to be a decorative but utilitarian potager, or kitchen garden, that freely mixes medicinal and culinary herbs, vegetables, berries, fruit…
Daffodil Hill
Thousands of trumpet daffodils transform the slope of the hill adjacent to Magnolia Plaza into a mass of blazing yellows and golds in late March and early April. Several varieties are planted, most notably Narcissus ‘Spelbinder’ which displays bright yellow and white blooms as well as Narcissus ‘King Alfred’, the…
Celebrity Path
Across from the Shakespeare Garden is the start of Celebrity Path, where stepping-stones are inscribed with names of famous Brooklynites past and present. The path meanders through Austrian pines, rhododendrons, and daffodils, just south of the Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden. At irregular intervals along the way, approximately 100 artists, poets, performers,…
Katherine Gould
Katherine Gould obtained her degree in tropical plant systematics, working on the genus Spigelia, which includes the North American wildflower S. marilandica, Indian pink. After doing postdoctoral research at Harvard, she worked for two years in BBG’s Science department as coordinator of the New York Metropolitan Flora project.
T. Meghan Ray
T. Meghan Ray, the gardener in charge of the Fragrance Garden at Brooklyn Botanic Garden, also cares for Prunus mume ‘Kasugano’ located outside the Japanese garden.
March is Magnolia Month!
March is Magnolia Month!
Richard L. Bitner
Richard L. Bitner, an anesthesiologist by trade, lectures on deciduous flowering plants at Longwood Gardens and is a member of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Gold Medal Plant Award Committee.
Ilene Harfenist Sternberg
Ilene Harfenist Sternberg and her husband were both born and raised in Brooklyn but didn’t take their first stab at gardening until they bought a home in Maryland. “He cut the townhouse lawn with scissors,” says Ilene, “while I experimented with growing miniature vegetables. Not understanding the concept of soil…
Claire Hagen Dole
Claire Hagen Dole is the publisher/editor of Butterfly Gardeners’ Quarterly, a newsletter for gardeners and butterfly enthusiasts, which can be viewed online at She has also written articles for Organic Gardening, Country Living, Sierra, Wild Garden, Hortus West, and other publications.
Kim Hawkes
Kim Hawkes is the owner of Niche Gardens, a nursery in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, specializing in nursery-propagated wildflowers, selected garden perennials, ornamental grasses, and underused trees and shrubs.
Bob Hyland
Bob Hyland is a former VP of Horticulture and Operations at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. He currently co-owns Loomis Creek Nursery in Hudson, New York, which specializes in out-of-the-ordinary perennials, tender perennials, and annuals.
Mariellé Anzelone
Mariellé Anzelone works to preserve the floristic diversity of the five boroughs through conservation and habitat management and restoration. Learn more at
Susan Amoy
Susan Amoy has been growing succulent plants for 25 years and runs her own retail bonsai web site, She has BFA and MFA degrees in the visual arts and is a member of Friends of Bonsai of the BBG, as well as the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.
Barbara Perry Lawton
Barbara Perry Lawton has served as editor and manager of publications for the Missouri Botanical Garden, president of the Garden Writers Association of America, and weekly garden columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Her latest book is Hibiscus: Hardy and Tropical Plants for the Garden (Timber Press, 2004).
Barbara Blossom Ashmun
Barbara Blossom Ashmun writes a regular gardening column for Oregon’s Portland Tribune. Her latest book is Married to My Garden, a collection of humorous and philosophical stories.
Erik A. Draper, James A. Chatfield, and Kenneth D. Cochran
Erik A. Draper is an Ohio State University cooperative extension agent for Geauga County, Ohio. Jim Chatfield is an OSU extension specialist based in Wooster, Ohio. Ken Cochran is curator of OSU’s Secrest Arboretum, in Wooster, Ohio.
Lilac Collection
The recently relocated Lilac Collection, located along an accessible winding path between the Osborne Garden and the Cranford Rose Garden, features a diverse array of lilacs propagated from divisions of the original specimens from the Garden’s historic collection dating back to 1914.
Amy Stewart
Amy Stewart is the author of Flower Confidential: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful in the Business (Algonquin Books, 2007). Visit her online at
Jessica Reisman
Jessica Reisman has written for Texas Monthly, The Austin Chronicle, and several encyclopedias and is the author of the novel The Z Radiant (
Joni Blackburn
Joni Blackburn is a former copy editor at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. She writes and gardens in the Catskills.
Walter Chandoha
Walter Chandoha has been a professional freelance photographer and writer for over 40 years, specializing in flora and fauna of the world. Much of his inspiration is drawn from his 46-acre farm in northwestern New Jersey, where he has many experimental gardens of flowers, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and ornamental grasses.…
Grace Gershuny
Grace Gershuny is the author of several books and articles on soil management and composting, including Start with the Soil, published in 1997 by Rodale Press. She was editor of Organic Farmer: The Digest of Sustainable Agriculture for its four-year existence. Gershuny lives in Barnet, Vermont and serves on the…
Beth Hanson
Beth Hanson is former managing editor of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s 21st Century Gardening Series and former managing editor of the Natural Resource Defense Council’s Amicus Journal. She writes about gardening and environmental issues for a variety of publications and composts just north of New York City.
Jim Chatfield
Jim Chatfield is an assistant professor and Extension specialist with the Ohio State University Extension, where he has worked for the past 12 years. He teaches and writes extensively on plant pathology, plant selection, and plant diagnostic topics.
William Quarles
William Quarles is an integrated pest management (IPM) specialist and the executive director of the Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) in Berkeley, California, a non-profit organization that researches pesticide alternatives and educates the public about them.
Jennifer Bennett
Jennifer Bennett, who lives near Kingston, Ontario, is the author of eight gardening books and a regular garden column for Canadian Livingmagazine. Her most recent book is Dry Land Gardening: A Xeriscaping Guide for Dry Summer, Cold Winter Climates (Firefly, 1995).
Peter Loewer
Peter Loewer, , horticulture writer and illustrator, gardens near Asheville in the mountains of North Carolina. He is the author of many articles and books, including Seeds: The Definitive Guide to Growing, History and Lore (Macmillan, 1995). His most recent books are The Winter Garden (Stackpole Books, 1997) and, with…
Karen Davis Cutler
Karen Davis Cutler, who has edited five previous BBG handbooks—Essential Tools, Salad Gardens, Tantalizing Tomatoes, Flowering Vines, and Starting from Seed—gardens on 15 acres in northern Vermont. A frequent contributor to national garden magazines, her latest book is The New England Gardener’s Book of Lists (2000).
Stevie Daniels
Stevie Daniels is the director of publications for Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. She is the the author of The Wild Lawn Handbook: Alternatives to the Traditional Front Lawn (Macmillan, 1995) and gardening columnist forPennsylvania Magazine. She has been a Penn State Master Gardener since 1988. Daniels has spent the…
John Greenlee
John Greenlee, dubbed “The Grassman” by Wade Graham of The New Yorker, established Greenlee Nursery in 1985 and is the author of The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses (Rodale Press, 1992).
Composting Exhibit
In this area, various composting techniques and tools for home gardeners are on display, from commercial bins, such as those made from recycled plastic like the Biostack, Earth Machine, and Garden Gourmet, to homemade variations, such as the Circular Wire Mesh Bin, Compost Bench, and Wooden Two-Bin System. Stop by…
Spring Awakens
Spring Awakens
Children’s Garden
In BBG’s Children’s Garden, kids 2 to 17 years old can plant their own crops and flowers and harvest them under the guidance of garden instructors. Younger children combine planting, tending, and harvesting with craft making and creative play. For older children, lessons in science and urban ecology accompany the…
Education and Activities
Garden Guide Training
Garden Guides are specially trained volunteers who provide interpretive tours for adults and families.
Education and Activities
Citizen Pruners
Richard A. Larson
Richard A. Larson, M.S., is the plant propagator at the Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio.
Janet Marinelli
Janet Marinelli is the former director of publishing at BBG. Her book, Plant, published by Dorling Kindersley, showcases 2,000 species worldwide that are threatened in the wild but alive in cultivation.
Paul Roland
Sandra McLean
Sandra McLean is a food writer, chef, and educator. She teaches at the Institute of Culinary Education in Manhattan and is the chair of Slow Food NYC. She is currently writing a primer on the local foods movement.
Doris Loechle
Doris Loechle is a certified horticulturist with extensive experience in chemical-free container and rooftop gardening. She has worked in various botanic gardens and in exotic places like Cape Town, South Africa, where she studied the native Cape flora.
Joan E. Prior
Joan E. Prior is a prize-winning floral designer whose arrangements have adorned weddings from Manhattan lofts to Southampton mansions. Joan is also an accredited flower show judge and author.
Christopher Roddick
Christopher Roddick is an ISA-certified arborist at BBG. He is also the coauthor of the BBG handbook The Tree Care Primer, a BBG All-Region Guide.
Jent LaPalm
Jent LaPalm is a Brooklyn-based musician, writer, and bee enthusiast.
Scott D. Appell
Scott D. Appell is a regular contributor to BBG publications and the author of four books, Pansies, Lilies, Tulips, and Orchids. He lives and gardens on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Niall Dunne
Niall Dunne is the former Associate Editor of Plants & Gardens News.
Rebecca Bullene
Rebecca Bullene is a former editor at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. She is the proprietor of Greenery NYC, a creative floral and garden design company that specializes in botanical works of art including terrariums, urban oasis gardens, and whimsical floral arrangements.
Rose Unes
Rose Unes grew up on a farm in Minnesota. After a career in publishing, she began raising chickens in her Brooklyn backyard. She is an organic gardener and holds a Certificate in Horticulture from the BBG.
Ian Tonnessen
Ian Tonnessen is the owner of Flowers by Ian Tonnessen and has been working in the floral design industry for over 20 years.
Lis Thomas
Lis Thomas is a former outreach assistant for Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s community greening program.
Douglas W. Tallamy
Douglas W. Tallamy is professor and chair of the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology and director of the Center for Managed Ecosystems at the University of Delaware. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the…
Robin Simmen
Robin Simmen is a former director of Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s community greening programs.
Jim Russell
Jim Russell has gardened and maintained landscapes at the Prospect Park Zoo and at Battery Park, in Manhattan. He holds a BBG Certificate in Horticulture.
Adele L. Rossetti
Adele L. Rossetti is a professor of art at Pratt Institute and a member of the BBG Florilegium Society. A lecturer, scientific illustrator, and artist, she received the American Society of Botanical Artists’ Excellence Award in 2001. She has a BS in scientific illustration and an MFA in painting and…
Richard B. Primack
Richard B. Primack is professor of biology at Boston University and holds a BA from Harvard University and PhD from Duke University. His current research focuses on the impact of climate change on plant and bird species in the U.S., Japan, and South Korea.
Margarita Poulson
Margarita Poulson, current Gardener of BBG’s Water Garden and former curator of BBG’s interior displays and Washington Avenue gardens, makes unique jewelry pieces using botanical materials, a passion she discovered and embraced as a Horticulture intern at BBG. She draws inspiration from the cultural traditions, folklore, and natural history of…
Jon Pope
Jon Pope is a Master Composter from the class of 2009 and is involved with composting at Prospect Heights Community Farm and the Fort Greene Compost Project. He is also a professional carpenter.
Ellen Spector Platt
Ellen Spector Platt is a member of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society and holds an MA in art education from Brooklyn College. She has taught in public and private institutions and exhibits her work throughout New York.
Ellen Spector Platt
Ellen Spector Platt, former editor of Flowers & Herbs magazine, is an expert in dried flowers and the author of nine books on flowers and herbs. As proprietor of Meadow Lark Flower & Herb Farm, Ellen learned how to dry more than 500 kinds of flowers. Visit her blog at…
Rose Pellicano
Rose Pellicano is a member of the BBG Florilegium Society and the American Society of Botanical Artists. Her work has been exhibited at botanic gardens and museums across the country, and was included in the 10th International Exhibition of Botanical Illustration at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation and the…
Susan Pell
Susan Pell is the director of science at BBG, where she studies the evolutionary relationships of the cashew family. She holds a PhD in plant biology and teaches continuing education and training courses in genetics, angiosperm morphology, and systematics.
Sarah Owens
Sarah Owens is the owner of BK17 Bakery and the author of Sourdough, winner of the 2015 James Beard Foundation Book Award (Baking and Dessert). She was the curator of the Cranford Rose Garden and the Rose Arc Pool at Brooklyn Botanic Garden for six years.
Karla Osorio-Pérez
Karla Osorio-Pèrez is a former community greening manager at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. She holds a BA in biology from the University of Puerto Rico.
Robb Moss
Robb Moss is owner of FloraCulture and has taught floral design courses at Parsons School of Design, the New School, the New York Horticultural Society, and his own Floral Design Center of New York.
Leda Meredith
Leda Meredith is a professional gardener and ethnobotanist with expertise in herbs and locavorism. She is an urban garden consultant and author. Her most recent book is The Locavore’s Handbook: The Busy Person’s Guide to Eating Local on a Budget.
Joan McDonald
Joan McDonald runs a private garden design business, Gardens by Joan, and is a graduate of the BBG Certificate in Horticulture program.
Michael Mauro
Michael Mauro is the curator of the Plant Family Collection. He holds an AS degree in engineering from CUNY and a BBG Certificate in Horticulture and has more than 20 years’ experience at BBG, Old Westbury Gardens, and private gardens.
Albert Massimi
Albert Massimi holds an MA from Columbia and studied art at SUCB, the University of Siena (Italy), and LIU; he learned brush and ink painting while in the Peace Corps in Korea. He belongs to GNSI, A SBA, and is the president of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society.
Uli Lorimer
Uli Lorimer is director of Horticulture at Garden In The Woods, in Framingham, Massachussettes. Previously, he was curator of BBG’s Native Flora Garden.
Cayleb Long
Cayleb Long is the former curator of the Annual and Perennial Borders, Lily Pools, and Magnolia Plaza at Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Judith Kunhardt
Judith Kunhardt holds a degree in art history from the City College of New York. She is a member of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society and a fellow of the BBG Florilegium Society.
Patricia Jonas
Patricia Jonas is a former director of Library Services and curator of the Florilegium Society. She curated “Banks’ Florilegium: An 18th-Century Botanical Art Treasure Rediscovered’’ (2005) and “Drawing from Life: Maud H. Purdy and 90 Years of Women Artists at Brooklyn Botanic Garden” (2007), for which she wrote the exhibition…
Wendy Hollender
Wendy Hollender holds a BFA in textile design from the R hode Island School of Design and a Certificate in Botanical A rt and Illustration from NYBG, where she is an instructor and coordinator. Wendy founded WH Art & Design, which uses her botanical artwork for museums and conservation groups.
Paul Keim
Paul Keim, who holds a BFA from Pratt Institute, is a full-time printer and colorist and an avid birdwatcher/naturalist. He belongs to the Brooklyn Watercolor Society and the Brooklyn Bird Club, where he has served as president.
Robert Herold
Robert Herold is a national director of the American Wine Society, whose motto is “Wine appreciation through education.” He is ranked among its top 50 award-winning home winemakers. In addition to teaching, he is a consultant on establishing vineyards in Connecticut and New York.
Susan Hartman
Susan Hartman holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia University and has published three books and more than a hundred pieces in the New York Times and other national media. Susan also teaches creative writing and journalism at NYU.
Monika Hanneman
Monika Hanneman has taught gardening and soil science to adults and children for the past ten years at BBG and throughout the New York City area. She has a biology and environmental science degree from Oberlin College and is an ISA-certified arborist.
Luke Halligan
Luke Halligan is the compost educator for the NYC Compost Project hosted by Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Cindy Goulder
Cindy Goulder is an ecological landscape designer providing planning, design, installation supervision, and management planning for ecological restoration projects and residential landscapes and gardens throughout the region.
Joe Giunta
Joe Giunta has led bird walks for the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the Nature Conservancy and the South Fork Natural History Society and taught a beginning birding course for Summer Fest. He has birded extensively in the U.S., Panama, Belize, Venezuela, and Costa Rica.
Jackie Fazio
Jackie Fazio holds a degree in horticulture from SUNY Cobleskill. She served as director of Horticulture at BBG from 1994 to 2007, after 16 years as a BBG gardener. Jackie specializes in native plants and pest management.
Rose Edinger
Rose Edinger is an award-winning floral designer with over 20 years’ experience. She specializes in thematic design work and has decorated events in the New York region and beyond.
Emily-Bell Dinan
Emily-Bell Dinan is a former project coordinator of the NYC Compost Project hosted by Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Kwok Kay Choey
Kwok Kay Choey is an artist and tai chi instructor. He received his art education in Singapore, New York, and Europe and is proficient in both Chinese and Western painting. He has led painting/calligraphy workshops at the Metropolitan Museum and at the American Museum of Natural History and taught at…
Nan Carey
Nan Carey has a BFA in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design. Her classes and workshops introduce the pleasure of sketchbook journaling to budding artists of all ages. Her work is exhibited and collected in the metropolitan area and beyond.
Enid Braun
Artist Enid Braun uses urban and nature landscape imagery in mixed-media drawing, pastel, and oil. She currently teaches private figure drawing in her Brooklyn studio and has taught for the Battery Park City Conservancy, the 92nd Street Y, and Cooper Union public programs. She recently taught week-long plein air workshops…
Jenny Blackwell
Jenny Blackwell is curator of the Discovery Garden and plantings at the south end of Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Karen Bell
Karen Bell holds an MFA in photography from the Rhode Island School of Design and has taught at the New School, International Center of Photography, and FIT. Her photographs have been exhibited and collected throughout the U.S.
Johanna Bauman
Johanna Bauman is a garden and landscape historian. She has a PhD in art history from the University of Virginia and teaches courses in garden history and art history at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Mary Jo Anzel
Mary Jo Anzel studied at the School of Visual Arts and is a life member of the Art Students League. Her floral water colors are represented by several greeting card companies and East Coast galleries.
Linda Ameroso
Linda Ameroso is an extension entomologist for the Cornell Cooperative Extension.
The BBG Orchid Collection
The BBG Orchid Collection
Plants in Bloom
Star Magnolia Bud
BBG Staff
2008 Annual Report
In 2007–08 Brooklyn Botanic Garden welcomed over 725,000 visitors and took exciting steps forward in its role as a resource for the community and its position as an ecological leader.
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