Joni Blackburn
Joni Blackburn is a former copy editor at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. She writes and gardens in the Catskills.
Online Articles
- Mad About Moss—The Simple Art of Moss Gardening
- Why Are Flowers Blooming Now?
- Weed of the Month: Goutweed
- Use a Cold Frame to Grow Vegetables in Early Spring or Late Fall
- Foraging for Wild Ramps
- Making a Midcentury Wedding Bouquet: A Cut-Flower Quest
- Sweet Woodruff: Shade-Loving Groundcover and Aromatic Herb
- Weed of the Month: Stinging Nettle
- Weed of the Month: Giant Hogweed
- Weed of the Month: Yellow Wood-Sorrel
- Weed of the Month: Wild Garlic
- Weed of the Month: Curly Dock
- Weed of the Month: Oxeye Daisy
- Weed of the Month: Field Horsetail
Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario