Citizen Pruners - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Citizen Pruners

Citizen Pruners

Trees New York’s Citizen Pruner Tree Care Course trains New Yorkers in tree care and pruning at sites in all five boroughs, including Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The course consists of eight hours of classroom training and four hours of hands-on experience in the field. The comprehensive curriculum covers street tree basics, street tree identification and street tree care. The two-hour long classes meet once a week for four consecutive weeks, and for four hours of field training on a Saturday. Classes are held in the spring and fall of each year. The course fee is $100 and includes a comprehensive manual and other materials.

Following the course, participants take a final exam that certifies them to legally work on trees owned by the City of New York. This includes street trees and most park trees, excluding parks that have their own conservancies such as Central Park and Prospect Park. Certificates are issued by Trees New York and the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Certification must be renewed every five years.

For a complete schedule of courses and registration forms, visit

Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario