Your search for "" has 2934 results.
Plants in Bloom
Hybrid Lily
Start a Rooftop Container Garden
Start a Rooftop Container Garden
Alvina Lai
Alvina Lai was a photographer at Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Plants in Bloom
Fragrant Water-Lily
Summer Highlights
Roses, water-lilies, and meadow flowers are among the many beautiful blooms to see during summer. Here are some of the highlights. Plan Your Visit Rose Garden Show on Garden map The historic Cranford Rose Garden is in full glory in May and early June with a second flush in September…
Will Lenihan
Will Lenihan is curator of Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Native Flora Garden.
Let’s Stay Connected
Plants in Bloom
Catmint ‘Six Hills Giant’
Calendar: Events
Inside the Bird Chorus
Inside the Bird Chorus
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Flickr Worldwide Photowalk: Up Close
Flickr Worldwide Photowalk: Up Close
Calendar: Events
Shayne Dark at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Shayne Dark at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
How to Grow Ferns from Spores
How to Grow Ferns from Spores
Eat Local: Sprouted Grain Bowl
Eat Local: Sprouted Grain Bowl
Mountain Laurel: A Shade-Tolerant Native With Beautiful Blossoms
Mountain Laurel: A Shade-Tolerant Native With Beautiful Blossoms
Birds of Brooklyn: American Goldfinch
Birds of Brooklyn: American Goldfinch
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Garden Apothecary: Fragrance Waters
Garden Apothecary: Fragrance Waters
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Garden Apothecary: Fruit and Herbal Pool Waters
Garden Apothecary: Fruit and Herbal Pool Waters
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Garden Apothecary: Moisturizing Waters
Garden Apothecary: Moisturizing Waters
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Jewelry from the Underground
Jewelry from the Underground
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Connecting the Drops
Connecting the Drops
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Lasagna Gardening
Lasagna Gardening
Weed of the Month: Common Blue Violet
Weed of the Month: Common Blue Violet
Fieldwork: Bog Asphodel
Fieldwork: Bog Asphodel
Cherry Trees in Japanese Folklore
Cherry Trees in Japanese Folklore
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Special Tour: A Japanese Spring in Brooklyn
Special Tour: A Japanese Spring in Brooklyn
Late-Spring Highlights
Peonies, bluebells, lilacs, and more lovely plants are in bloom in late April through early June. Here’s what to see. Plan Your Visit Osborne Garden This semiformal Italianate garden is in its full glory in late spring. The lush lawn is surrounded by walkways lined with lovely, spring-flowering plants. Look…
Plants in Bloom
Cherry ‘Taoyame’
Plants in Bloom
Calendar: Events
Healthy Gardening with Children
Healthy Gardening with Children
Plants in Bloom
Flowering Quince
Birds of Brooklyn: Osprey
Birds of Brooklyn: Osprey
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Brewing Compost Tea
Brewing Compost Tea
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Composting in the City
Composting in the City
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Year-Round Tree Bed Garden Secrets—Revealed!
Year-Round Tree Bed Garden Secrets—Revealed!
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Grow a Mini-Meadow
Grow a Mini-Meadow
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Amazing Aquatic Insects
Amazing Aquatic Insects
Calendar: Events
Shakespeare Garden Midsummer’s Night Sipping Stroll
Shakespeare Garden Midsummer’s Night Sipping Stroll
Calendar: Events
Native Plants for Ponds, Streams, and Man-Made Water Features
Native Plants for Ponds, Streams, and Man-Made Water Features
Calendar: Events
Native Gardening in the Shade: From Wet to Dry
Native Gardening in the Shade: From Wet to Dry
Calendar: Events
Create a Rain Garden with Native Plants
Create a Rain Garden with Native Plants
Calendar: Events
Water Reflections: Walking Meditation in the Garden
Water Reflections: Walking Meditation in the Garden
Calendar: Events
The Wedding Party: Bridal Bouquets, Flower Crowns, and Boutonnières
The Wedding Party: Bridal Bouquets, Flower Crowns, and Boutonnières
Plants in Bloom
Cherry ‘Shirotae’
Plants in Bloom
Donkey-Tail Spurge
Plants in Bloom
Plants in Bloom
Cherry ‘Accolade’
Plants in Bloom
Moss Phlox
Plants in Bloom
Downy Serviceberry
Plants in Bloom
Double Weeping Higan Cherry
Mikoshi: A Portable Shinto Shrine for BBG
Mikoshi: A Portable Shinto Shrine for BBG
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Cultivating Carnivorous Plants
Cultivating Carnivorous Plants
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Discovery Garden Sipping Stroll
Discovery Garden Sipping Stroll
Custom Channel Fields
Homepage Whats New
Custom Channel Fields
Homepage Carousel
Plants in Bloom
Yoshino Cherry
Plants in Bloom
Halehaven Peach
Calendar: Events
Tree Detective Tour for 7- to 11-Year-Olds
Tree Detective Tour for 7- to 11-Year-Olds
Ambassadors Caroline Kennedy and Reiichiro Takahashi Plant a Cherry Tree at BBG
Ambassadors Caroline Kennedy and Reiichiro Takahashi Plant a Cherry Tree at BBG
Plants in Bloom
Pussy Willow
Plants in Bloom
Star Magnolia
ZZ Plant: A Narrative Guide
ZZ Plant: A Narrative Guide
Plants in Bloom
Buttercup Winter-Hazel
Calendar: Events
Curator’s Tour: Shakespeare Garden
Curator’s Tour: Shakespeare Garden
Plants in Bloom
Greenstem Forsythia
Birds of Brooklyn: American Woodcock
Birds of Brooklyn: American Woodcock
How to Grow Ferns in Your Garden
How to Grow Ferns in Your Garden
Plants in Bloom
Japanese Pieris
Plants in Bloom
Spring Heath
Early-Spring Highlights
Magnolias, cherry blossoms, lilacs and more dot the Garden in early spring. Here are some of the highlights. Plan Your Visit Magnolia Plaza and Daffodil Hill: Spring’s Favorite Flowers The pink, white, and yellow blossoms of Magnolia Plaza are spectacular in the spring. Some trees are also living pieces of…
A Brief History of BBG
The history of Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a 52-acre public garden in Brooklyn, New York
BBG Gives Hort Help to the Lowline
BBG Gives Hort Help to the Lowline
Gardens & Collections
Flowering Cherry Collection
Learn more about the cherry species and cultivars at Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
All About Bugs: Native Praying Mantises on the Way?
All About Bugs: Native Praying Mantises on the Way?
Custom Channel Fields
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DIY Kokedama
DIY Kokedama
Calendar: Events
DIY Terrarium: The Lucky Gardener
DIY Terrarium: The Lucky Gardener
Plants in Bloom
Chairman’s Circle
David Buckel
David Buckel is Senior Organics Recovery Coordinator for the NYC Compost Project Hosted by Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Birds of Brooklyn: Red-Winged Blackbird
Birds of Brooklyn: Red-Winged Blackbird
Brooklynites Convert Tons of Food Scraps into Compost in Red Hook
Brooklynites Convert Tons of Food Scraps into Compost in Red Hook
A Blanket of Snow: Good or Bad for Plants?
A Blanket of Snow: Good or Bad for Plants?
Calendar: Events
Mizue Sawano: Images of Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Mizue Sawano: Images of Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Jean-Marc Grambert
Dana Miller
Calendar: Events
Seasonal Theme Tour: Plants of the Celtic Tree Alphabet
Seasonal Theme Tour: Plants of the Celtic Tree Alphabet
What Are Those Fruits in the Conservatory?
What Are Those Fruits in the Conservatory?
Plants in Bloom
Plants in Bloom
Deodar Cedar
Plants in Bloom
Blue Atlas Cedar
Plants in Bloom
Japanese Mahonia
Plants in Bloom
Plants in Bloom
Scarlet Skullcap
Plants in Bloom
Papaya Flowers
Plants in Bloom
Plants in Bloom
Amazon Lily
Birds of Brooklyn: House Finch
Birds of Brooklyn: House Finch
Plants in Bloom
Rice-Paper Plant
Plants in Bloom
Fragrant Olive
Plants in Bloom
Chinese Rain Bell