Activity Guides for Teachers
Download and print these free guides to make the most of your children's class visit to the Garden. Be sure to print enough copies for the group before your field trip.
Exploring the Desert Pavilion
Explore a desert biome in the Steinhardt Conservatory. Students will observe and record physical conditions and plant adaptations. Each student will need a copy of the journal and a pencil. And don't forget to print a teacher's guide for each adult educator on the trip.
Grades 3–5:
Student Journal (PDF)Teacher's Guide (PDF)
Grades 6–8:
Student Journal (PDF)Teacher's Guide (PDF)
Exploring the Tropical Pavilion
Explore a tropical rainforest in the Steinhardt Conservatory. Students will observe and record physical conditions and plant adaptations. Each student will need a copy of the journal and a pencil. And don't forget to print a teacher's guide for each adult educator on the trip.
Grades 3–5:
Student Journal (PDF)Teacher's Guide (PDF)
Grades 6–8:
Student Journal (PDF)Teacher's Guide (PDF)
Garden Design Guide for Teachers
Explore BBG's most popular outdoor gardens with your class. Question prompts will help your students discover how people developed the gardens and what makes each one unique. Teachers, please print a copy for each adult educator on the trip.
Grades K–8:
Teacher's Guide (PDF)Map and Activity Guide
In all seasons, field trips to BBG offer opportunities to spark students' inquiry about plants and the natural world. Use this guide to focus your student botanists on edible plants in the Herb Garden and native plants and local wildlife in the Native Flora Garden; engage them as geological detectives in the Rock Garden; and help them practice their scientific observation skills using multiple senses in the Fragrance Garden and throughout BBG!