What If - Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Lightscape - What If

What If

Created by Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves
Conifer Collection

As visitors approach the Rock Garden, words reveal themselves in radiant shadows, offering a simple question that challenges visitors to open their hearts and “see things in a new light.”

NYC-born Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves is a writer and artist guided by metaphysics, network science, ethnobotany, and the granular analytics of poetic inquiry. This work was commissioned for Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Artist Website: agng.info

What If by Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves. Photo by Liz Ligon.

Next Installation: Bloom


Installation Map

Over a million dazzling lights animate the enchanting trail of installations for the Garden’s after-dark, illuminated spectacular Lightscape.

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A yellow line indicates a route looping into the Garden from the Visitor Center and out at Eastern Parkway. Along the route are stars and icons showing locations of installations, food & drink, and bathrooms.
Image, top of page: Liz Ligon