Neon Tree - Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Lightscape - Neon Tree

Neon Tree

Created by Culture Creative
Belle’s Brook

Climbing the leafless branches and trunk of a Japanese elm tree along Belle’s Brook approaching Oak Circle are strips of neon in multicolored light, from the base to the farthest tip, outlining and celebrating its bare magnificence.

Since 2013, creative project and production management company Culture Creative has worked closely with Sony Music to create Lightscape and Christmas-themed trails in venues across the UK as well as Chicago and of course Brooklyn.

Artist Website:

Neon Tree by Culture Creative. Photo by Liz Ligon.

Next Installation: Dancing Lights


Installation Map

Over a million dazzling lights animate the enchanting trail of installations for the Garden’s after-dark, illuminated spectacular Lightscape.

Click or tap below for full-size map.

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A yellow line indicates a route looping into the Garden from the Visitor Center and out at Eastern Parkway. Along the route are stars and icons showing locations of installations, food & drink, and bathrooms.
Image, top of page: Photo by Liz Ligon.