Habitat for Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
Habitat for Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
Kaylie Lynch, Gracey Burnham, Rayan Chami
Adam Thibodeaux Studio
Featuring multiple sunlit resting spots and carved-out pockets for protection and egg-laying, this habitat is designed to support the goldenrod soldier beetle. UV paint was added to guide the beetles inward.

Meet the Pollinator
I am a goldenrod soldier beetle. I look a little bit like a firefly. Voiced by Tony Santiago.
TranscriptI am a goldenrod soldier beetle. I look a little bit like a firefly. I love goldenrod flowers, but you might find me on other flowers, too.
I spend most of my days burrowing through the soil, feeding on the nectar and pollen of flowers, and hunting aphids and other insects. I spend a lot of time on flowers. Not only for the food, but because they’re a great place to get to know potential partners!
Eventually, my mate will lay eggs in the soil, under the leaf litter, or in decaying logs, which will provide warmth and protection throughout the winter. Our larvae will dine on grasshopper eggs and other small insects.