Habitat for American Sand Wasp (Bembix americana)
Habitat for American Sand Wasp (Bembix americana)
Alec Pitillo, Alexander Anderson, Despy Lawver
Seth Amman Studio
American sand wasps’ nests can be found in the dirt or sand, typically in narrow burrows several inches deep. This habitat was designed to create a consistent flow of prey for the American sand wasp by creating a perch to attract birds, whose droppings attract flies and other insects that the sand wasp can bring home to the nest.

Meet the Pollinator
Learn more about the unique lifestyle of the American sand wasp. Voiced by Nadine Cabrera.
TranscriptI am an American sand wasp. Hold on—let me climb out of my tunnel so you can hear me a little better.
I live right over there in some sandy soil, just me and my larvae. I’m found throughout North America and the Caribbean, and I have big green eyes and a long striped abdomen. I hunt flies, so if you’re attracting lots of flies with your food, you might see me hovering nearby. But don’t worry: I won’t sting you! I’m gentle and low-key. Unless you step on me! I visit lots of different wildflowers for their nectar, and I’m considered a pretty decent pollinator.
Wait, I see a juicy fly! I’m going to go grab it and feed it to my kids.