Urban Gardening
Grow Carnivorous Plants in a DIY Mini-Bog
Create a miniature wetland habitat for carnivorous plants, orchids, and other bog-loving species.
By Will Lenihan -
Guide to Rainwater Harvest
Your garden or building can help keep sewage out of the Gowanus and other waterways.
Weed of the Month: Oxeye Daisy
The cheerful-looking oxeye daisy is a scourge for those who love a manicured green lawn. Almost everyone else rather likes it.
By Joni Blackburn -
Create Your Own Floating Flower Arrangement
Floating flower arrangements—which play with color, texture, movement, and light—provide a limitless opportunity for creative expression.
By Lana Guardo -
Make a Simple, Subirrigated, Self-Watering Planter Out of a Milk Carton
So-called "self-watering" planters are all over the marketplace and can be very expensive, but simple, effective DIY versions can be made cheaply using common household supplies and upcycled food containers.
By Nina Browne -
Weed of the Month: Pineapple Weed
This chamomile relative has many look-alikes, but a sniff will help you identify this species.
By Saara Nafici -
Streetscape Gardening
Take inspiration from Greenest Block in Brooklyn winners and finalists and create an urban oasis of your own.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Weed of the Month: Cleavers
Galium aparine, or cleavers, is the type of weed that is probably already stuck to you before you even take notice of it.
By Kathryn Tam -
Birds of Brooklyn: Laughing Gull
This snickering shorebird hits the beach in mid-April and stays through fall. You may also see it farther inland.
By Joe Giunta -
Weed of the Month: Purple Deadnettle
You'll see this member of the mint family in April in tree pits and empty lots. Most gardeners consider it a weed, though it's edible and quite pretty.
By Saara Nafici