Urban Gardening
Trouble in Paradise: Are We Losing Our Native Bees?
On Wednesday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m. join the Torrey Botanical Society and Dr. Stephen Buchmann for a free illustrated talk showcasing North American native bee diversity and the threats facing bees and other pollinators.
By BBG Staff -
Blight-resistant Chestnut Trees Come to BBG
Today The New York Times and the Daily News both ran stories about new blight-resistant chestnuts coming to BBG.
By BBG Staff -
Learn About Composting
Autumn is a great time to learn about composting!
By Jenny Blackwell -
Is it realistic to imagine an urban garden—or a city—without rats?
By BBG Staff -
Caring for City Street Trees
It’s not easy being a street tree in an urban environment. In New York City alone, 6,000 to 7,000 street trees die each year. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By giving street trees a little maintenance and care, you can help ensure that the 20,000 new street trees planted this year by MillionTreesNYC, the city’s forestry initiative, survive.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Urban Beekeeping
Urban beekeeping is on the rise in the U.S., powered by such trends as the local food movement and the spread of inner-city community gardens.
By Jent LaPalm -
A New Tree Bed Garden
Tree beds offer great opportunities for city dwellers to exercise their green thumbs. As long as gardeners remember that the tree's health always comes first, they can choose from a large palette of annuals, perennials, and bulbs to beautify tree beds.
By Robin Simmen -
Go Native
In all the busyness of installing “green” systems in your garden—drip irrigation, compost bins, solar panels, gray-water recycling—it can be easy to overlook one of the most important environmental decisions you make as a gardener: what you plant.
By BBG Staff -
Guerrillas of Green
Even as guerrilla gardening has helped revitalize New York's neighborhoods, the success of the gardens themselves has threatened their continued existence.
By Charles Wilson -
Herbes de Provence: An Elegant, Potted-Garden Design
Longing to visit Provence, that beautiful and charming region in the south of France, to bask in its warm sunlight, taste its delicious cuisine, and see the sloping vineyards and colorful scenery that charmed Cezanne and Van Gogh? Well, you can capture some of the ambience of Provence by growing its famous culinary herbs in your garden.
By Joan McDonald and Janet Otranto