Urban Gardening
Hedge Fun
One man's quest for the perfect hedge.
By William Lach -
Much Ado About Mulch
Spring is a terrific time of year to remove salt-sprayed, winter-worn mulch and treat your street tree to a fresh dressing. And Hurricane Sandy left Brooklyn with an abundant surplus of wood chips to use.
By Maureen O’Brien -
School Cafeteria Lunch Goes Green
Delicious fresh salad greens and a spicy radish relish made with ingredients grown at BBG were featured in the Prospect Heights High School cafeteria on Thursday.
By Patricia Hulse -
Nastiest Mushroom Ever
Gardeners and park visitors all over Brooklyn are gasping in horror at the shockingly erect—and putrid smelling—stalks poking out of the mulch.
By Hannah Singer -
Fall Leaves: Coming Soon!
Why would mounds of leaves excite the average composter? They are an essential ingredient in a pleasant-smelling, fast-decomposing compost pile.
By Jenny Blackwell -
Look, Up in the Sky!
Living roofs have been sprouting up all over New York City lately—on luxury apartment buildings, public housing units, schools, office towers, and at BBG, of course! The latest handbook offers a look at some of the city's most interesting examples.
By BBG Staff -
Recipe: Chile Pepper Sambal
Chile peppers grow readily in NYC, and preserving them is easy. Making homemade hot sauce is one of my favorite techniques.
By Ariel Nadelberg -
Escaping Spider Plant?
One of my spider plants is trying to “escape” its pot! Can it be rescued?
By BBG Staff -
Preventing Pest Problems
Working some pest and disease prevention into your schedule now can increase yields and help reduce problems later.
By Maureen O’Brien -
Building Blocks
The winners of GreenBridge's 2012 Greenest Block in Brooklyn contest have just been announced.
By BBG Staff