Good-bye to the Discovery Garden…for Now
The Discovery Garden is closing for construction soon, so be sure to make time for one last visit.
By Ashley Gamell -
Healthy Lawns
What's BBG's secret to resilient, sustainable, chemical-free lawns?
By Sarah Schmidt -
Herb Garden Harvest
What happens to all of the beautiful produce grown in BBG's Herb Garden?
By Sarah Schmidt -
A Bird Habitat Garden—Plant Choices and Design Tips
Wild bird populations are threatened by habitat loss, global warming, collisions with buildings, and much more. You can help ease their plight by turning your city garden, or a portion of it, into a pesticide-free bird sanctuary.
By Joan McDonald -
Recipe: Easy Summer Ratatouille
This simple French vegetable stew is delicious with crumbled goat cheese on pasta, alongside roasted chicken, or accompanying a fresh baguette.
By Ariel Nadelberg -
Making Brooklyn Blue
What’s blue, sweet, healthy, and native to Brooklyn? Highbush blueberries! Vaccinium corymbosum is beautiful and bears delicious fruit bursting with nutrients.
By Maureen O’Brien -
Saving Seed for a Stronger City
Last spring, I helped launch North Brooklyn Farms (NBk) on the grounds of the defunct Domino Sugar Factory in Williamsburg. Once a weedy symbol of lost industry, it’s now a showcase for how to grow a variety of edibles.
By Ryan Watson -
Using Beneficial Parasites to Attack Garden Pests
Tiny nematode worms kill black vine weevils without pesticides
By Sarah Schmidt -
Summer Spinach
Malabar spinach is an easy-to-grow green that grows more easily in hot weather than true spinach—and it's gorgeous.
By BBG Staff -
Street Tree Bed Care: Tales from the Trenches
Everything you ever wanted to know about gardening on a city street...but were afraid to ask
By Sarah Schmidt