BBG Gardens & Collections
Trilliums, Charismatic Spring Ephemerals
Few plants herald the coming of spring like trilliums.
By Uli Lorimer -
Magnolia Plaza Bursts Into Bloom
Magnolia Plaza was slow to start this year thanks to the cool weather, but the wait was worth it.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Bonsai: Small Tree, Big Heart
Bonsai can be translated from Japanese as “planted in a tray.” In fact, what is “planted” is not a plant at all. What is planted is essence, mood, and atmosphere.
By Julian Velasco -
South African Bulbs in Bloom
BBG's special collection of South African bulbs is blooming in BBG's Warm Temperate Pavilion.
By Karla Chandler -
Bonsai at BBG
In nature, small details in the shape, texture, and size of a tree’s trunk and branches offer clues about the elements that guided it to grow a particular way. In bonsai, a tree’s form is guided by the work of the bonsai artist, who strives to inspire the viewer with this spirit of perseverance.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Snowstorm Photos
View photos from the January 27 snowstorm at BBG.
By Rebecca Bullene -
300-Pound Orchid Gets a New Basket (Video)
Repotting a normal sized plant is a hassle in its own right. But what if that plant weighs nearly 300 pounds and hangs over a three-foot deep pool?
By BBG Staff -
Peak Color in the Native Flora Garden
Stop by to enjoy the fall color at Brooklyn Botanic Garden, where the Native Flora Garden is at the apex of its autumnal display.
By Mark Fisher -
Peppers from the Herb Garden
The peppers are popping in BBG's Herb Garden!
By Rebecca Bullene -
Water-lilies at BBG
Earlier this August, curator Cayleb Long put on his waders and hopped into the north and south pools of Lily Pool Terrace to get some up-close-and-personal shots of some of this season’s water-lily standouts.
By Rebecca Bullene