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Lofty Liatris—Drought-Tolerant Beauties for the Summer and Fall Border
Liatris is much more than a cut-flower-industry standard. It is, in fact, a group of wonderfully diverse and easy-to-grow perennials that can brighten up the outside of your home just as beautifully as they can the inside.
By Kim Hawkes -
Composting and Lawn Care
Leaving grass clippings on the lawn, rather than bagging and sending them to the landfill, makes sense for you, your landscape and your community.
By BBG Staff -
Compost Bins
Choose the right compost bin for your space, budget, and materials. Here are five basic types.
By BBG Staff -
What and How to Compost
What can I put in the compost pile? What does composting mean, and how does it work?
By BBG Staff -
Seed Specifics
Fortunately, a Ph.D. in botany or genetics isn't necessary to grow plants successfully from seed. But this article on seed basics will help you better understand what seeds are, where they come from, their role in plant reproduction, and why they are so critical to the health and survival of plant species.
By Peter Loewer -
Planting a Native Grass Lawn Step By Step
Follow these basic steps to plant a lawn of native grasses no matter where you live.
By Stevie Daniels -
Low & Slow Fescues
For years fescues languished as obscure players in the turfgrass pantheon, relegated to second-class status as components of shade-tolerant seed mixtures. These attractive, fine-textured grasses are finally coming into their own.
By Stevie Daniels -
How Compost Builds the Soil
Soil is a living community that requires nurture. And well-nurtured soil in turn nurtures the plants that are part of it.
By Grace Gershuny -
Everything You Need (Or Don’t Need) to Compost: A Guide to Equipment
If you are a casual, carefree sort, you can just toss your organics into a corner of the garden and they'll slowly become humus without any intervention. But depending on your personality and the amount of time and money you are willing to put into composting, you can also get fully outfitted with an array of composting gadgets and accessories, from auger-shaped aerating tools to herbal compounds designed to inoculate your compost with "medicinal and homeopathic forces."
By Beth Hanson -
An Indoor Succulent Garden—Welcome the Warmth and Wonder of the Desert into Your Home
The potted succulent garden is a miniature ecosystem that allows you to experience the warmth and wonder of the desert without having to travel all the way to places like North Africa, Australia, or Yemen. What's more, succulent plants vary widely in form, texture, and flower color, so the design potential is enormous.
By Susan Aument