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The BBG Orchid Collection
The BBG has long been known for its diverse and numerous orchid collection. With over 6,000 plants and growing, visitors can often see a wide variety of blooming flowers even at the height of winter.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Who Needs Fruit?—Kaffre Lime
Thankfully there exists for lovers of indoor gardening and ethnic cooking a citrus whose foliage—and not the fruit—is the prime objective: the kaffre lime, Citrus hystrix.
By Scott D. Appell -
A New Tree Bed Garden
Tree beds offer great opportunities for city dwellers to exercise their green thumbs. As long as gardeners remember that the tree's health always comes first, they can choose from a large palette of annuals, perennials, and bulbs to beautify tree beds.
By Robin Simmen -
Kale: Delicious, Nutritious, and Easy to Grow
Kale is a healthy and delicious cool-season vegetable that produces well into fall. A diverse array beautiful and edible cultivars are available.
By Scott D. Appell -
Give Bees a Chance—The Mystery of Colony Collapse Disorder
In the United States, managed honey bees pollinate more than 100 commercial crops, including cherries, blueberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, coffee, and almonds. And these bees are dying.
By Jent LaPalm -
Go Native
In all the busyness of installing “green” systems in your garden—drip irrigation, compost bins, solar panels, gray-water recycling—it can be easy to overlook one of the most important environmental decisions you make as a gardener: what you plant.
By BBG Staff -
A Blended Garden
A blended garden is one that weaves edible and ornamental plants in the same garden bed or container. There isn’t a strict line as to where the flower garden stops and the vegetable garden starts.
By Joan McDonald -
Garden Photography—Taking Great Plant Photos
Whether you shoot for publication or your own pleasure, for a botanical record or fine art prints, have fun and enjoy the act of capturing the vitality and beauty of the natural world.
By Laura Berman -
Cherry Blossom Time-lapse (Video)
From April 18 to April 26, 2008, over 3,000 digital photos were taken, one every three minutes, of Brooklyn Botanic Garden's famed Cherry Walk.
By BBG Staff -
Seed Banking for Survival—Saving the World, One Seed at a Time
Seed banks, also known as seed archives, germplasm banks, and seed vaults, are gene banks for plants, and there are approximately 1,400 of them around the world. The projects range from small, geographically specific ones that support horticultural research and local restoration to larger, overarching projects that seek to provide the means to sustain life in the face of mass ecological catastrophe.
By Jessica Reisman