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Peak Color in the Native Flora Garden
Stop by to enjoy the fall color at Brooklyn Botanic Garden, where the Native Flora Garden is at the apex of its autumnal display.
By Mark Fisher -
Learn the Tricks of Foraging
Learning to identify and incorporate edibles like garlic mustard in your diet is a wonderful way to get in touch with the natural world.
By Michael Ratliff -
Congrats to BCAP!
Congratulations to all the participants in the Brooklyn Cultural Adventures Program for receiving a 2010 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award presented by First Lady Michelle Obama!
By BBG Staff -
Green Horizons at BBG
BBG hosted this year's Green Horizons, New York City’s free conference on careers in natural resources and the environment for middle schools.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Save Your Vegetable Seeds
Saving seeds is a global effort of immense importance. But home gardeners should also institute this practice—not so much as an insurance policy against floods, famine, or doomsday, but as a way to save natural resources and money, and as a means to become more in tune with the life of the garden.
By Medi Blum -
Learn About Composting
Autumn is a great time to learn about composting!
By Jenny Blackwell -
Is it realistic to imagine an urban garden—or a city—without rats?
By BBG Staff -
Blueberry and Huckleberry Shrubs
Blueberry and huckleberry shrubs are hardy and versatile garden plants. The edible berries are a tasty bonus (if you can beat the birds to them).
By Mariellé Anzelone -
Harvest Season in the Children’s Garden
Walk by on an autumn day you'll see a bounty of veggies ready to be harvested in the Children's Garden.
By Dave Daly -
Red-tailed Hawk and Natural History
It’s always a good day when one of Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s regular visitors, the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicencis) is spotted.
By Karen Orlando