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Fall Leaves: Coming Soon!
Why would mounds of leaves excite the average composter? They are an essential ingredient in a pleasant-smelling, fast-decomposing compost pile.
By Jenny Blackwell -
Look, Up in the Sky!
Living roofs have been sprouting up all over New York City lately—on luxury apartment buildings, public housing units, schools, office towers, and at BBG, of course! The latest handbook offers a look at some of the city's most interesting examples.
By BBG Staff -
Recipe: Chile Pepper Sambal
Chile peppers grow readily in NYC, and preserving them is easy. Making homemade hot sauce is one of my favorite techniques.
By Ariel Nadelberg -
Escaping Spider Plant?
One of my spider plants is trying to “escape” its pot! Can it be rescued?
By BBG Staff -
Preventing Pest Problems
Working some pest and disease prevention into your schedule now can increase yields and help reduce problems later.
By Maureen O’Brien -
Working for Watersheds
As the climate warms, BBG scientists are working in area watersheds to evaluate and understand the condition of these forests.
By Kerry Barringer -
Fall in the Children’s Garden
With harvest season upon us, the Children’s Garden has a bounty of vegetables and flowers just waiting to be picked—and there’s time to sign up for fall programs.
By Dave Daly -
Recipe: Eggplant Tzatziki
I love cooking with and eating all types of eggplants, whether they come from a supermarket, farmers market, or my own rooftop container garden.
By Ariel Nadelberg -
Market Day in the Children’s Garden
The Children's Garden was filled with handmade items and tasty, locavore treats for Market Day.
By Sarah Schmidt -
Herbarium Course at BBG
Students from across the US and Canada will learn how to properly curate and conserve a scientific collection of preserved plants, like the collection of over 320,000 specimens in the Garden’s herbarium.
By Kerry Barringer