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Cherry Trees in Japanese Folklore
Cherry trees and blossoms have a special significance in Shinto and Buddhist traditions. They often symbolize the impermanence of life, but they can also represent violence or even death.
By Brian Funk -
Birds of Brooklyn: Osprey
These big, fish-eating raptors have migrated back in New York City, and they're great fun to observe.
By Joe Giunta -
Mikoshi: A Portable Shinto Shrine for BBG
This traditional handcrafted object is used in Shinto festivals in Japan. Learn more about its purpose.
By BBG Staff -
Ambassadors Caroline Kennedy and Reiichiro Takahashi Plant a Cherry Tree at BBG
The lovely, white-blossomed cultivar is growing along the Japanese garden’s path just north of the viewing pavilion.
By Sarah Schmidt -
ZZ Plant: A Narrative Guide
Is this common office plant with a reputation for being "easy" interesting enough for a curious plant enthusiast?
By Lee Patrick -
Birds of Brooklyn: American Woodcock
This woodcock's mating ritual is a site to behold. Find out how and where to spot these funny-looking birds in action.
By Joe Giunta -
How to Grow Ferns in Your Garden
Ferns make great garden plants. Here's what you need to know to select and care for them.
By Nancy Swell -
BBG Gives Hort Help to the Lowline
What kinds of plants can you grow in an underground park?
By Sarah Schmidt -
All About Bugs: Native Praying Mantises on the Way?
In years past, most of the praying mantises at BBG have been a species from China. This year, egg cases of a native species have been spotted. Learn more about both!
By Steven N. Severinghaus -
Birds of Brooklyn: Red-Winged Blackbird
Flocks of redwings are on the way back from Florida and the Gulf Coast. The males are easy to identify, but the females are not. Learn to recognize this common blackbird.
By Joe Giunta