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Supporting the Global Climate Strike and Action
A group of us who work for Brooklyn Botanic Garden gathered Friday in lower Manhattan for the Global Climate Strike to support action to stop climate change.
By Sarah Schmidt -
A New Machiai: A Traditional Japanese Waiting Bench
Be sure to visit the Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden to see the new machiai designed by master builder Paul Discoe.
By Sarah Schmidt -
Garden Presents Crown Heights Block with Greenest Block in Brooklyn Award
You can't help smiling when you see this block's playful container displays, lush window boxes, and carefully tended tree bed gardens.
By Sarah Schmidt -
Small Gardens and Tiny Greenspaces Attract City Wildlife
Even very small patches of plants help attract pollinators and other wildlife to cities. This is no surprise to Greenest Block in Brooklyn organizers and participants.
By Sarah Schmidt -
Bloom Alert: Belle’s Brook
Lovely flowers in a wide variety of colors and forms bloom throughout summer along Belle’s Brook.
By BBG Staff -
Weed of the Month: Curly Dock
Left alone, curly dock will grow four feet or taller and produce thousands of seeds, which can spread via wind and water and passing animals.
By Joni Blackburn -
Talking with Artist Adrienne Adar
What does a cactus sound like when you pluck its spines? Or tap its stem? What would make you even try to find out? Artist Adrienne Adar talks about her work Sonic Succulents.
By Sarah Schmidt -
The Water Conservation Project Is Open
Fresh water is now circulating throughout the Garden as the Water Conservation Project has opened.
By Sarah Schmidt -
Birds of Brooklyn: Spotted Sandpiper
This shore bird can be seen alongside lakes, ponds, and streams in Brooklyn's parks and Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
By Joe Giunta -
Weed of the Month: Yellow Wood-Sorrel
Yellow wood-sorrel, sometimes called sourgrass, is ubiquitous in lawns and gardens. Learn about its exploding seeds and its nighttime sleep habit.
By Joni Blackburn