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How to Propagate Houseplants
What if you could make copies of your favorite houseplant? You can! Many common houseplants are easily multiplied, or propagated, asexually. Learn the basics of three simple methods for propagating many common houseplants.
By Sara Epstein -
Make Beautiful Chlorophyll Prints and Learn About Photosynthesis (Project)
How do plants use sunlight to make sugar? The answer lies in their color.
By BBG Staff -
A Brooklyn Backyard Rain Garden and Green Roof
A Williamsburg backyard was designed to capture excess storm water. In a twist on the traditional rain garden, its charming stream and small pond hold water that flows from the yard and green roof.
By Jeanne Rostaing -
Sakura Matsuri (Video)
Enjoy performance highlights from past Sakura Matsuri festivals.
By BBG Staff -
Observe the World in a Tree (Project)
It's easy to find a whole world of nature wrapped into the neat package of a tree. Why not "adopt" a tree of your very own to observe and care for?
By BBG Staff -
Japanese Garden in Spring (Video)
Take a closer look at the Japanese Garden on a sunny spring day.
By BBG Staff -
Great Moments in Plant Evolution, Part 1: Plants Invade the Land
The history of life on Earth can be unbelievably daunting to comprehend. Paleobotanist Jamie Boyer explains plant evolution by focusing on a few key points. First, a look at the humble origins of plants and their incredible transition from water to land.
By Jamie Boyer -
Desert Pavilion at Brooklyn Botanic Garden (Video)
Watch as Desert Pavilion curator Caitlin Ndoye introduces us to BBG’s unique and important collection of plant specimens from the world’s desert and arid regions.
By Michael Stewart -
Grow a Popcorn Grass Garden (Project)
Did you know that if popcorn isn’t popped, it is usually still viable as a seed? In fact, you can create small grass garden using popcorn!
By BBG Staff -
Using Carnivorous Plants for Wedding Centerpieces
Including pitcher plants, flytraps and other carnivorous plants in floral arrangements is very doable, and the results make wonderful, distinctive wedding centerpieces. Read about how I created our centerpieces and how you can do something similar.
By Will Lenihan