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Stroll through the Japanese Garden in Bloom (Video)
Enjoy an immersive walk through Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden, complete with cherry blossoms.
By BBG Staff -
Weed of the Month: Hairy Bittercress
This spring weed is known for its tasty leaves, but it's most interesting feature may be the way it disperses seeds by flinging them through the air.
By Saara Nafici -
Eat Local: Grow Microgreens on Your Windowsill and Use Them in this Salad
Microgreens are nutritious, flavorful, and easy to grow. Learn how to grow them and use them in a delicious buttermilk beet salad.
By Sarah Owens -
The Quiet Earth: The Native Flora Garden in Winter
During the winter months, with its bones laid bare, the Native Flora Garden takes on a much different mood.
By Uli Lorimer -
How Do We Protect the Garden’s Collection During Lightscape?
Rowan Blaik, Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s vice president of Horticulture, answers some frequently asked questions about the environmental impacts of Lightscape.
By BBG Staff -
What’s Wrong with My Monstera?
Many people have trouble keeping their monsteras healthy. Doing so becomes much easier with a little knowledge of the plant’s native habitat and natural growth habit.
By Michelle Inciarrano -
Eat Local: Broiled Citrus Salad
Citrus plants have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. Today there are hybrids as sour as the Seville orange and as sweet as the Cara Cara. Choose a variety and add them to this wonderful winter salad.
By Sarah Owens -
Lenapehoking: The Land of the Lenape
Heather Bruegl, a historian and director of education for Forge Project and a member of the Oneida Nation, talks about Lenape history, the importance of making a living land acknowledgement, and the value of examining the stories we tell about natural history.
By Sarah Schmidt -
Birds of Brooklyn: Common Nighthawk
The common nighthawk is not so common anymore, and it has always been difficult to spot. Fall migration will give you the best chance of spotting this elusive bird.
By Joe Giunta -
Talking with Chenae Bullock
Chenae Bullock talked to Brooklyn Botanic Garden about her mother's gardens, Shinnecock canoe culture, and why the future of the environment depends on being able to see the value of Indigenous perspectives.
By Sarah Schmidt