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Magnolia ‘Evamaria’: Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s First Magnolia Introduction
Magnolia × brooklynensis ‘Evamaria’ was the Garden’s first magnolia introduction, patented in 1968.
By Wayken Shaw -
Streetscape Gardening
Take inspiration from Greenest Block in Brooklyn winners and finalists and create an urban oasis of your own.
By Rebecca Bullene -
Weed of the Month: Cleavers
Galium aparine, or cleavers, is the type of weed that is probably already stuck to you before you even take notice of it.
By Kathryn Tam -
These Flowering Trees Are Not Cherries
Apricots, peaches, magnolias, and other trees flower in the spring. Can you tell them apart from cherries?
By Elizabeth Peters -
Thinking Inside the Box
Stepping out our front doors, we urbanites are often met by concrete pavement and brick walls. But looking up—if we’re lucky—we can feast our eyes on surprising splashes of life growing in window boxes.
By Nina Browne -
Birds of Brooklyn: Laughing Gull
This snickering shorebird hits the beach in mid-April and stays through fall. You may also see it farther inland.
By Joe Giunta -
The Beauty of Native Spring Ephemerals
Early-blooming wildflowers like Virginia bluebells, spring beauty, and trout lily are harbingers of spring in the forest. Conserving them is important, and you can help do so by planting them in your garden.
By Mariellé Anzelone -
Garden Guides Return
For volunteer guides, returning to Brooklyn Botanic Garden is a meaningful homecoming.
By Kathryn Tam -
Weed of the Month: Purple Deadnettle
You'll see this member of the mint family in April in tree pits and empty lots. Most gardeners consider it a weed, though it's edible and quite pretty.
By Saara Nafici -
Eight Magnolia Hybrids Bred by Brooklyn Botanic Garden
The later-blooming magnolias on the plaza have an interesting history.
By Wayken Shaw