Nancy Nieland - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Nancy Nieland

Nancy Nieland

Nancy Nieland is the curator of the Osborne Garden at Brooklyn Botanic Garden., Curator
Nancy Nieland is curator of the Osborne Garden. After completing a BBG horticulture internship, Nancy joined the staff as a gardener’s aide in 2005. She became a grounds gardener and heavy equipment operator in 2008 and in 2012 was promoted to the position of curator of the Osborne Garden. “I enjoy public gardening and seeing the visitors as they enter BBG's Eastern Parkway entrance. They are transported from a busy city street to the vast green Osborne Garden.” Before joining BBG, Nancy studied horticultural therapy and was a gardener at the landscaping company Blondie's Treehouse in Mamaroneck, New York. She is a master composter and teaches turf management and groundcovers in BBG’s Horticulture Certificate Program.
Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario